For this rotation, I met on zoom with my site evaluator PA Rachwalski. He gave me usefull feedback that I will continue to learn from.
For my site visit, I submitted a SICU admission H and P. This was my patient who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. I was present during his initial clinic visits, in the operating room, and then when he was admitted to SICU post-op. I also submitted a journal article about the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic vs. robotic sleeve gastrectomies since I had the opportunity to be in the OR for both kinds and was curious about the follow up for each.
I also submitted another H and P about my patient who was an ED vascular surgery consult for a clotted AV dialysis fistula, in addition to 2 clinic SOAP notes. I submitted drug cards that were relevant to my surgical patients.
In conclusion, my site visits with PA Rachwalski were great learning experiences. He gave me good advice that I will refer back to.